Mentees: Your Career Success


course3Over eighty-five percent of Fortune 500 companies provide structured mentoring programs for their employees. They know that mentoring not only assists mentees in advancing their careers, it is also a proven means of increasing the organization’s productivity and bottom line. To be successful, the mentoring relationship should focus on helping the mentee achieve his or her goals and objectives. This course provides you with the opportunity to consider your own career objectives and determine whether and how a mentor might help you to advance your career and other interests.

Who Should Attend?

Those who want to explore the benefits of being mentored and learn how to find the right mentor (or mentors) for you.




By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the concepts and value of mentoring.
  • Learn the strategies for selecting the “right” mentor.
  • Persuade an expert to mentor you.
  • Negotiate the scope of the relationship.


  • The history of mentoring
  • Mentoring benefits
  • What mentoring is and isn’t
  • The traits and qualities of good mentors
  • What you need to bring to the relationship
  • Recruiting your mentor
  • Negotiating the scope of the match
  • Setting stretch goals and determining match activities
  • Using the mentoring relationship for career success

Half-day session

Tuition: $ 229 (special group rates available)