Advanced Business Writing


ADVThis is a two-day workshop to help good writers get even better. In today’s hectic, fast-paced “sound-bite” environment, getting your point across clearly and powerfully yet succinctly is absolutely vital to your success. You’ll learn how to make your prose easy to understand and compelling.

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You’ll learn how to focus your writing like a laser beam and provide your readers only that information essential to achieving your purpose. You’ll learn how to eliminate passive voice usage, redundancy and wordiness by working through numerous practical exercises. You’ll also learn how to improve paragraph development, sentence construction and word selection.

You’ll be instructed on and practice advanced editing and proofing techniques.

Who Should Attend?

Those who want to take their writing skills to the next level. Specifically those who seek to save time and effort in producing higher-quality written products and advance their careers.

Objective: By the end of the course, you will be better able to write effectively with greater clarity, conciseness and completeness. You will also be able to apply the principles in class to edit and proofread the work of others.


  • Use practical and inclusive language
  • Present ideas and information in a logical sequence
  • Learn techniques to maximize clarity and effectiveness
  • Determine proper breadth, depth, style, tone and courtesy
  • Review do’s and don’ts in business letters, memos and e-mails
  • Calculate the Readability Index of your documents
  • Apply the Proofing Checklist to correct mistakes

Two-day course

Tuition: $ 389 (special group rates available)

Note: This is a performance-based workshop. Size is limited due to extensive one-to-one attention to students by the instructor.

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